About Us

Hi, I'm Stefanie White, owner of The Feminine Lair.  I started this online store with one purpose in mind, to celebrate and inspire Black women.  Within the last decade, I have personally evolved in so many areas and now understand my womanhood in new ways. My first t-shirt was designed for my own 50th Birthday to remind myself that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and that all the pieces and parts that make me…me, are beautiful. All women should embrace their femininity and feel confident and comfortable walking in it, and unapologetic in promoting it.
Each day society's hustle and grind culture indoctrinates us with chasing the bag in every way possible.  While subtly and sometimes overtly telling our young sisters and daughters to abandon the femininity that actually allows us to flow through our day with ease. Being a sophisticated Proverbs 31 woman should always be in style. The bag will come to you when you become more creative and aware of your gifts from within. I hope my line of t-shirts and accessories will inspire you to become your best self and serve as a reminder to take time to enjoy the journey of life!